�Curriculum Vita
Richard A. Cornell
College of Education
TR 544, Room 103M
College of Education
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL 32816
Phone: (407) 823-2053
Fax: (407) 823-4880
e-mail: cornell@mail.ucf.edu
url: http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~cornell/
610 Forest Drive
Casselberry, FL 32707
Phone and Fax: (407) 830-8669 �Cell: 407-928-8012
Between December
12 2003 and May
31 2004:
10F,-1, No. 88, Sec.
1, Minsheng E. Rd., Johongshan District, Taipei, 104, Taiwan
011-886-2-2562-1502� Cell: 011-886-9-22234332
Ed.D. 1981, Nova University, Ft.
Lauderdale, FL;
Major area of concentration: College and Higher Education Administration.�
Dissertation: Perception and Utilization of an Instructional Resources
Center by University Faculty: First Steps Toward Output Assessment.
1976, University of Central Florida (formerly Florida Technological University), Orlando, FL, College of Education,
doctoral statistics course work.
1963-66, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, College of Education,
course work beyond Master's in library science.�
M. S. Ed., Instructional Communications, 1963, Syracuse
University, Syracuse, NY, School of Education.�
B. S. Ed., Elementary Education, 1962, SUNY Brockport.
1953-54, Agricultural and Technical
Institute at Alfred, NY.� Agronomy and soil conservation, Alfred, NY, degree not completed.
1951-53, Brighton High School,
Rochester, NY.
1948-50, Mooseheart High
School, Mooseheart, IL, diploma not awarded
1955-58, United States Air Force,
Honorable Discharge, Rank: Airman First Class, no reserve obligation.� Major
specially: Personnel and Classification, Secondary specialty: Information
Services.� Duty tour: Sampson AFB, NY; Scott AFB, IL; Elmendorf AFB, Alaska;
Mather AFB, CA and Vandenberg AFB, CA. Secret Security Clearance, 4th District,
OSI, 1955, NAC, 1955 and NASA Federal Security Check, 1981.
2003�Professor Emeritus, Area
of Instructional Technology, Instructional Systems, College of Education,
University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida.
1997�Professor and Coordinator,
Area of Instructional Technology, College of Education, University of Central
Florida, Orlando, Florida.� Duties entail teaching both basic and graduate
courses in Instructional Systems.� Supervise K-12 student teachers and Educational
Media interns and Instructional Systems interns in area business and industry.
1986-97--Associate Professor,
Area of Instructional Technology, College of Education, University of Central
Florida, Orlando, Florida.� Duties entailed teaching both basic and graduate
courses in Instructional Systems.� Supervised K-12 student teachers and Educational
Media interns and Instructional Systems interns in area business and industry.
1994-1998--Evaluation Specialist,
Siemens/Stromberg/Seminole Community College Workplace Literacy Project, Lake
Mary, Florida.
1986-present--Principal Investigator,
�Measurement of Pilot Fatigue on Long Duration Transoceanic Night Flight"
with Gerald R. Gergley.� Operational in cockpit research conducted for Eastern
Airlines.� ($20,000 travel grant from EAL) for Continental Airlines ($46,000
travel grant from CO) and for the Lindbergh Fund, (Lindbergh Fund Grant, $10,300).�
Senior scientist with the Essex Corporation in follow-on grant, January-July,
1993 from Johnson Space Center for $50,000 and travel grant from Continental
Airlines for $20,000.
1976-86--Assistant Professor,
College of Education, University
of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida.� Duties entailed teaching both basic and
graduate courses in the areas of Educational Media and Instructional Systems.�
Supervised student teachers and Educational Media Specialists, K-12, and Instructional
Systems interns in area business and industry.
1984--Taught media classes to
gifted students in both St.
Cloud and Osceola High Schools.
1981-82--NASA " Summer Scholar"
and media consultant to Public Awareness and Education Branch, John F. Kennedy
Space Center, NASA, Kennedy Space Center, Florida.� Duties involved script
re writing and overall production supervision for major computer managed/live
presentation given at the Kennedy
Space Center Visitor Information Center.� Reviewed products sold at Visitor Center, supervised Project SHARP high school science
interns as related to their presentation skills, and assisted in NASA VIP
viewing areas during launches of Space Shuttle missions.
1974-76--Visiting Assistant Professor,
College of Education,
University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida.� Taught undergraduate courses in Educational
Media.� Supervised student teachers and library media specialists in area
public schools.
1973-74--Director of Instructional
Media, University of Central
Florida (formerly Florida Technological University).� Duties entailed supervision of more
than twenty employees working in graphics, photography, equipment maintenance
and distribution, materials collection development, and administration.
1972-73--Acting Director, Learning
Resources Centre and Visiting Lecturer, Riverina
College of Advanced Education, Wagga Wagga, New
South Wales, Australia.� Taught education and media courses.� Supervised the opening,
design, and development of the first library/media Learning Resources Center in New
South Wales.� Technical
consultant to NSW Department of the Treasury, Royal Melbourne Institute of
Technology, University of Melbourne, Sydney University, Macquarie University,
New South Wales Institute of Technology and the NSW Department of Education.
1968-72--Director of Instructional
Media, Florida Technological University, Orlando, Florida.� Charter member of the administration,
began the design, development, and implementation of the department.� Major
tasks included supervision of staff, budget management, establishment of policies
and procedures, selection of staff, materials, equipment, closed circuit television
services, and development of a materials collection, all of which was designed
to serve the instructional needs of a major six-college university.� Taught
all educational media classes in the College of Education.
1968-72--Associate Director,
Media Project, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Washington, DC.� Conducted national study relating to
the increased and integrated use of media within teacher education institutions.�
Assisted instructional personnel in the design and implementation of innovative
teaching practices.� Produced six multi-media presentations used in workshops
in the United States and Puerto Rico.�
Workshop facilitator at workshop sites.� Assigned special six-week photographic
project in East Africa in production of joint AACTE/AID International
Media Package.� Education consultant to Senator George Smathers.� Made two
media presentations at the White House.
1966--On-site coordinator for
national conference held in Tampa, Florida by the Department of Classroom
Teachers, NEA, Washington, DC.� Worked with personnel at NASA, John F. Kennedy Space Center to coordinate field trips and viewing of
Apollo launch by conference participants.
1963-66--Coordinator of Instructional
Materials, Division of Educational Resources, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.� Assistant Professor of Educational Media,
College of Education.�
Designed and implemented the building of division media center as well as
faculty consultant and design specialist.� Gallery consultant to College of Humanities.� Taught media and library science courses
to undergraduate and graduate students.
1964--Visiting Lecturer, Dalhousie University, Nova
Scotia summer school.
1962-63--Media Assistant in Inter
University Project, Ford Foundation, Syracuse
University.� Selected and designed media used in project
seminars.� Designed and implemented development of mobile television unit.�
Media consultant to school faculties using Project I students.
February - June 1962--Educational
Film Library Assistant, Syracuse University.� Worked with automated, Computer booking
system for educational film library.� Prepared new catalog entries, previewed
and reviewed new film selections, and assisted in preparation of quarterly
1959-62--Closed circuit television
cameraperson, floor manager, television teacher and director, SUNY Brockport.
1961-- Summer school elementary
school teacher, Austin Crittenden Elementary
School, Henrietta, New York.
1960-61--4th grade teacher, Winslow Elementary
School, Henrietta, New York
and 7th grade teacher, school #14, Rochester, NY.
1951-54--Director of Conservation
Program, Massawepie Camps, Piercefield, NY.� (Otetiana Council, BSA, Rochester, NY.)
$1,000 Office of International
Studies to develop Multi-Discipline Course with Industrial Engineering Management
Systems, 2000.
$1,000 Office of International Studies to attend Summer Institute, 2000
$2,500 to I.T. program from Brazilian Teacher Education Workshop, 1995.�
$125,000 (approximate) Student internship support funds from area companies,
$200 Publisher's Grant from International Council for Educational Media from
Distance Education book royalties to Instructional Technology Foundation Account,
$375 Educational Development Grant, Travel to Washington,
DC related to pilot fatigue proposal, 1988.�
$426 Travel Grant from College of Education
to attend NSPI Meeting in San
Antonio, 1987.�
$36,000 software grant, Pinnacle Courseware, San Jose,
California for use by Instructional Systems students,
1989-92.� $1,000 Grant in Aid from Analysis and Technology, 1985 for I.S.
Student Scholarships
$250 Publisher's Grant from Planning Research Corp., Norfolk, VA for Instructional
Technology Foundation Account, 1985.
Non-UCF Related
$2,000 (With Dr. Marina
McIsaac, ASU and Dr. Robert Doyle, Harvard) AECT Travel grants to attend annual
congress of the International Council for Educational Media, Oslo, Norway, 2003.
$2,000 (With Dr. Marina McIsaac,
ASU and Dr. Robert Doyle, Harvard) to attend annual congress of the International
Council for Educational Media, Granada,
Spain, 2002.
$2,000 (With Dr. Marina McIsaac, ASU) AECT Travel grants to attend annual
congress of the International Council for Educational Media, Taipei, Taiwan, 2001.
$2,000 (With Dr. Marina McIsaac, ASU) AECT Travel grants to attend annual
congress of the International Council for Educational Media, Geneva, Switzerland, 2000.
$2,000 (With Dr. Marina McIsaac, ASU) AECT Travel grants to attend annual
congress of the International Council for Educational Media in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1999.
$2,000 (With Dr. Marina McIsaac, ASU) AECT travel grants to attend annual
congress of International Council for Educational Media in Helsinki, Finland, 1998.
$2000 (With Dr. Marina McIsaac, ASU) AECT travel grants to attend annual congress
of the International Council for Educational Media in Lisbon, Portugal, 1997.
$50,000 NASA Johnson Space Center grant to continue pilot fatigue research
(Essex Corporation), 1992.�
$50,000 Continental Airlines travel grants to continue pilot fatigue research,
$10,300 Lindbergh Fund Award for study of pilot fatigue, 1989.�
$20,000 Eastern Airlines Travel Grant to study pilot fatigue, 1986-87
$2,500 Orange County-Orlando Training and Employment Office, 1980.�
$10,000 (With Dr. Robert Gallo, Rollins College), Florida Endowment for the Humanities, 1979.�
$2,000 Orange County School Board, Project Reach, 1977.� $1,800 Orange County School Board, Migrant Education, 1977.� $1,500 Orange County School Board, Florida
Learning Resources Production Grant, 1976.
Vandervert, L.R., Shavinina,
L.V., and Cornell, R.A. (Eds.) (2001). CyberEducation: The
future of long distance learning.� Larchmont, NY:
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publishers.
Cornell, R.A. and Ingram, K.
(Eds.) (1997) An International survey of distance education and learning:
From smoke signals to satellite III.� Barcelona, Spain: International Council for Educational Media, 135 p.
Cornell, R.A. & Murphy, K.
(Eds.) (1995).� An International survey of distance education and teacher
training: From smoke signals to satellite II.� Paris: International Council
for Educational Media.
Farkas, P. & Cornell, R.
(Eds.) (1993) With Jeff Armstrong and Charles Saar.� An international survey
of distance education and teacher training: From smoke signals to satellite.�
Paris: International Council for Educational Media.
Cornell, R.A. & others.�
(1989). Technology in instruction: Standards for college and university
learning resources programs, .Second Edition.� Washington, DC:
Association for Educational Communications and Technology.
Cornell, R.A., Heinz, R., Heinz,
M., Leid, J. & Spears, R. (1986).� Technology in instruction: Standards
for college and university learning resources programs, First Edition.� Washington,
DC: Association for Educational Communications
and Technology.
Cornell, R.A. & others.�
(1983). Standards for college and university learning resources programs.�
Washington, DC: Association for Educational Communications
and Technology.
Mars, W., Cornell, R.A. &
Douglas, F. (1968).� Professional education II.� Washington, DC:
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
in Books
Cornell, R.A. (2000).� Going the Distance in Education - 21st
Century Imperatives.� Chapter on CD-ROM Sustainable Development.� Geneva,
Switzerland: UNESCO.
Cornell, R.A. & Martin, B.
(1997).� The role of motivation on web-based instruction.� In Kahn, B. (Ed.).�
Web-based Design.� New York: Educational Technology Publications.
Cornell, R.A. (1997).� Program
management - Its relationship to practice.� In: Kaufman, R., Thiagiarigan,
S., & McGillis, (Eds.) Guide to Organizational Improvement.� San
Diego: Pfieffer & Co.
Cornell, R.A. (1993).� Uses of
current technology: What's available now?� In Hudson, L., Raynor, N. &
Omstead, P. (Eds.) I Make a Difference: Making the Transition from Clinician
to Education.� Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers, pp. 271-284.
Cornell, R.A. & Bollet, R.M.
(1986).� Professionalizing our profession: Twentieth century countdown.� In
Library Media Annual: 1986.� Littleton, Co: Libraries Unlimited, pp.
Reports - Contract-Based
Cornell, R.A. (1997).� "Evaluation
of Siemens Stromberg and Parker Hannifin Workplace Literacy Project.�� In
Report to the United States Department of Labor from Seminole Community College
Workplace Literacy Grant, (Rowell, P.).� Sanford, FL.
Kennedy, R.S., Dunlap, W., Turnage,
J., Lane, N, Jones, M. & Cornell, R. (1993).� Cognition and performance
readiness of space crews.� Final Report to NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Space, and Life Sciences Procurement Branch,
under NASA Contract NAS9-18832.� Orlando, FL:
Essex Corporation, 9 July
1993, 30 pp.
Cornell, R.A. (1991).� Measurement
of Pilot Performance During Transoceanic Flight: Relationship of Fatigue,
Nutrition, and Lifestyle.� Final report to the Essex Corporation and Continental
Airlines, Orlando, FL: University
of Central Florida, 185 pp.
Cornell, R.A. & Gergley,
G.R. (1991).� Measurement of Pilot Fatigue on Long Duration Night Flights:
First Steps of an Empirical Design.� An experimental pilot study conducted
for Eastern Airlines, Inc. by the University of Central Florida in cooperation
with the Essex Corporation, Orlando Office, 10 0 pages.
Cornell, R.A., & Gergley,
G.R. (1987).� Development of in flight exercise regimens for cockpit flight
crews on long duration flights.� Preliminary study conducted for Eastern
Airlines, Inc. University of Central Florida,
Reports - Service-Based
Cornell, R.A. (1995).� Strategic
plan for the International Council for Educational Media.� Adapted after the
AECT Strategic Plan of 1994.� Paris: International Council for Education al
Cornell, R.A. (1995).� Evaluation
of Siemens Stromberg-Carlson workplace literacy project.� In: Rowell, P. Report
to the United States Department of Labor from the Seminole Community College
Workplace Literacy Grant.� Sanford, FL: Seminole Community
Cornell, R.A. (1992).� Innovation
and development sub-committee: Reactions to, suggestions for...A paper revisited.�
Position paper delivered to the Innovation and Development Sub-Committee at
the 1992 ICEM Media Week, Brussels:
International Council for Educational Media.
Cornell, R.A. (1992).� ICEM:
What...why...how?� An update.� Position paper delivered to the Board of Directors
of the International Division of the Association for Educational Communications
and Technology, Washington, DC.
Cornell, R.A. (1986).� On the
need for a freestanding program in Instructional Technology at the University of Central Florida.�
Position paper presented to the Dean, College of Education,
University of Central Florida, 78 PP.
Cornell, R.A., Baumbach, D.,
Orwig, G, & Barr-Johnson, V. (1985).� NCATE Institutional Report of
the University of Central Florida Educational Media and Instructional Technology
Program Areas.� Orlando:
University of Central
Florida, 192 pp.; appendices, 184 pp.
Cornell, R.A. (1977).� Forward.�
In: International Educational Technology - A History.� Washington,
International Division, Association for Educational Communications and Technology,
130 pp.
Cornell, R.A. (1972).� The Concept
of an Information Resources Center.� Report to the College.� Wagga Wagga,
NSW, Australia: Riverina College of Advanced Education, 10 pp.
Journal Articles - Peer Reviewed
Ku, H.Y., Pan, C.C., Tsai, M.H.,
Tao, Y., & Cornell, R.A. (2003) The impact of instructional technology
intervcentions on Asian pedagogy.� Educational Technology Research and
Development. (At Press).
Tsai, M., Tao, Y., Ku, H.Y, Tsai,
M.C. @ Cornell, R.A. (2003) Changes
in Asian pedagogy: What would Confucius have thought!� Conference Proceedings, Annual conference
of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Anaheim, CA, October 23-26 2003. (At Press).
Pan, C.C., Sivo, S., Gunter,
G., Hampton, E., Brophy, J., & Cornell, R.A. (2003).� Students� perceived
ease of WebCT�s use: An exogenous or endogenous variable?� Conference Proceedings,
Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology.�
Anaheim, CA, October 23-26 2003. (At Press).
Pan, C.C., Deets, J., Phillips,
W., & Cornell, R.A. (2003). �Pulling tigers� teeth without getting bitten:
Instructional designers and faculty.� The Quarterly Review of Distance
Education, Vol. 4(3), pp. 289-302.
Pan, C.C., Tsai, M.H., Tao, Y,
Tsai, P.Y., & Cornell, R.A. (2002).Technology�s impact: Symbiotic
or asymbiotic influence on differing cultures? Educational Media
International, Vol. 40.2 Annual Congress of the International Council
for Educational Media, Granada, Spain, October 15-19th, 2002.� (At press).
Pan, C.C, Tsai, M.H., Tao, Y.,
Tsai, P.Y. & Cornell, R.A. (2002).Symposium: Bringing instructional
technology to Asia: Can 2000 years of tradition withstand
it? ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools.� (At press).
Pan, C., &
Cornell, R. (2002).� Optimal use of video in light of cognitive learning theories.�
Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 40(2), 156-169.
Cornell, R.A., Lee, C., Pan,
S., Tao, T., Tsai, M. & Surtani, H. (2001). Views from an Asian
bridge: how Asian students see us and still survive! Annual Report,
UCF International Institute.� Orlando, Florida: University
of Central Florida, April 30-May
4th, 2001.
Cornell, R.A. and Elshennawy,
A.K. (2001). Discovering international trends in managing Quality Engineering
and Instructional Systems.� UCF International Institute, Annual Report, Office
of International Studies.� Orlando, Florida University
of Central Florida.
Cornell, R.A. and Tao, T.
(2001). New challenges in distance education: implications for China. Conference Proceedings (In Chinese).� National Conference
of Educational Technology, Dalian, China. Invited keynote address. Beijing: Ministry of Education.
Cornell, R.A. (2001). Bridging
continents: technology trends today and tomorrow.� Invited keynote address.
Educational Media International, Vol. 39.1 Annual Congress of the International
Council for Educational Media, Taipei, Taiwan, October 25-28th, 2001.
Tsai, P.Y, Rendon, B. & Cornell,
R.A. (2001). Instructional design issues facing e learning: east meets
west. Conference Proceedings, Annual conference
of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Atlanta, GA November 7-11, 2001.
Pan, C.C., Tao, Y., Ku, C.H.,
Lee, C.Y., Wang, Z., Cornell, R.A. & Ku, H.Y. (2001).� East-meets west
times 2: impact of cultural change at two universities on Asian students.
Conference Proceedings, Annual Conference of the Association for Educational
Communications and Technology. Atlanta, GA, November 7-11, 2001.
Cornell, R.A. (2000).� Electronic
publishing issues in the United
States: What would Gutenberg
have thought? Nice, France: Rencontre Internationale, L�Edition Pedagogique
R.A., Chang, G.S., Chu, C., Lee, & B.W.R. (2000). Recreating
standards for Taiwan�s colleges and universities.� ERIC Document
(at press).
Cornell, R.A. (1999).� Paradigms
for the new millennium: How professors will certainly change!� Conference
Proceedings, International Conference on Distance and Adult Education.
Chaiyi, Taiwan: National Cheng Chung University.
Cornell, R.A. (1999). The
onrush of technology in education: The professor�s new dilemma.� Educational
Technology, May-June, 10 pp.
Cornell, R.A. (1999). Translated
by Julia Hsu. Paradigms for the new millennium: How professors will
certainly change! (In Mandarin). Conference Proceedings, Annual
technology conference of the Audiovisual Association of China, Taipei: AAVC.
Cornell, R.A., Chang, G.S.T.,
and Chu, C. (1999). Cross cultural perspectives
and the use of technology in education: A series of scenarios. Plenary
Forum of �New Challenges and Innovations in Teaching and Training into the
21st Century� (NCITT�98) in celebration of the 30th
Anniversary of Lingnan College, Hong Kong,
May 16, 1998.
Cornell, R.A. (1999). Paradigms
for the new millennium: How professors will certainly change. Educational
Media International. 35(2)...
Cornell, R.A., Chang, G.S.T.,
and Chu, C. (1999). Cross cultural perspectives
and the use of technology in education: A series of scenarios. Plenary
Forum of �New Challenges and Innovations in Teaching and Training into the
21st Century� (NCITT�98) in celebration of the 30th
Anniversary of Lingnan College, Hong Kong,
May 16, 1998.
Cornell, R.A. (1999). Paradigms
for the new millennium: How professors will certainly change. Educational
Media International. 36(2).
Cornell, R. A. & Martin,
B.L. (December 1997).� Instructional technology and educational change: An
international perspective.� Conference Proceedings.� International Conference
for Instructional Technology for the 21st Century.� Hualien, Taiwan: Ministry of Education.
Cornell, R.A. (1996).� Editorial
and issue Editor.� Technology and creativity.� Educational Media International.�
Holzschuh, A.L. & Cornell,
R.A. (1996).� Annotated bibliography of trends in media.� Educational Media
International. 33(1), 9-15.
Cornell, R.A. & Farkas, P.
(1995).� Professional associations: What value?� Educational Media International.�
32(1), 44-46.� Adopted from presentation made in Eger, Hungary, October 1994.
Cornell, R.A. (1994) (ed.) Editorial
and issue Editor.� Virtual reality.� Educational Media International.�
31(4), 211-213.
Cornell, R.A., Bailey, D. &
Bollet, R. (1994).� Virtual reality: Therapeutic tool or time bomb?� Educational
Media International 31(4), 247-249.
Cornell, R.A., Cortell, R., Stofan,
J. & Street, W. (1994) Information highways: Future implications for education.�
Educational Media International, 31(3), 92-97.
Cornell, R.A. (1994) When the
sounds resound...what do you hear and...� equally important...what did you
miss?� Opetus & Teknologia 3.� Helsinki: in Finnish and English.
Cornell, R.A. (1994) If a 'picture
is worth a thousand words'...how much effort will we put into how good is
that picture?� Opetus & Teknologia 1, Helsinki: in Finnish and English, pp. 26-27.
Cornell, R.A. (1993).� Editorial.�
(Issue editor).� Design and delivery of a twenty-first century technology
base for today's learners - International implications.� Educational Media
International, 30(1), 5-6.
Cornell, R.A. (1993).� Editorial
(Issue editor).� Distance training and retraining of teachers.� Educational
Media International, 30(2), 53-54.
King, J.W. & Cornell, R.A.
(1992).� Tools for managing design and development of a twenty-first century
technology base.� Educational Media International 29(3), 153-161.
Cornell, R.A. (1992).Performance
may be where it's at...but it's a technology base that under girds it!� ITED
Newsletter, February, pp. 4-5.
Chang, G., Cornell, R., Lee,
B. & McNamara, S. (1991).AECT's post secondary standards: Will they play
in Taipei, Sydney or Paris?� Journal of Educational Media and Library
Science, 28(4), 393-406.� Tamsui, Republic of China: Tamkang University.
Cornell, R.A. (1989).� AECT's
technology in instruction: Standards for College and University Learning
Resources Programs...How viable for the Chinese institutions of higher
education?� Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences, 26(3),
203-214.� Tamsui, Taipei: Tamkang University.
Cornell, R.A. (1989).� Editorial
and issue editor.� Educational media: Focus on people ... that is our theme,
that is our intent.� Educational Media International, 26(2),
Cornell, R.A. & Bollet, R.M.
(1989).� High touch in the high tech world of education: Affect 1989.� Educational
Media International, 26(2), 67-72.
Bollet, R.M. & Cornell, R.A.
(1989).� The impact of high touch in the high tech world of education: An
issue revisited.� Conference proceedings, 6th International Conference
on Technology and Education, Orlando, FL. Edinburgh, Scotland: CEP Consultants.
Cornell, R.A. (1988).� Australia Revisited 1973-1988.� Educational Media International,
25(4), 209-213.
Cornell, R. A. (1988).� AECT's
Technology in Instruction: Standards for College and University Learning
Resources Programs ... How viable for Australian institutions of higher
education?� The Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 4(2)
137-145.� Belconnen, Australian
Capital Territory: AJET Publications.
Cornell, R.A. (1988).� Media
specialist as TV producer...Ten quick steps into the world of television.�
Tech Trends, 33(1) 33-34.
Cornell, R.A. (1985).� Scenario
1999 and beyond: In search of an intergalactic media center.� Journal of
Educational Media and Library Sciences, .22(4)343-349, Tamsui,
Taipei, Taiwan: Tamkang University.
Cornell, R.A. (1985).� Media
production as therapy with prisoners: Will it work?� Corrections Today,
47(7), 34-36.
Cornell, R.A. (1984).� Does anybody
out there care?� The case for the bi-lingual media specialist.� Florida Media Quarterly.� 9(2), 13-15.
Cornell, R.A. (1984).� Scenario
1999 and beyond: In search of an intergalactic media center.� Emphasis,
June/July, University of
Central Florida.� \
Cornell, R.A. & Orwig, G.
(1984).� The Instructional Technology program at the University of Central Florida.�
In Amico, V. and Clymer, A.B. (eds).� All About Simulators.� Simulation
Series 14(1)158-161.� La Jolla, CA: Society for Computer Simulation.
Cornell, R.A..., Bollet, R.,
& Butkins, P. (1981).� On The Need For Becoming a People.� Instructional
Innovator, Association for Educational Communications and Technology,
Washington, DC.� November.
Cornell, R.A., Sandoval, H. and
others.� (Eds.).� (1979). Contributing factors to a professional self-concept
or taking a look at yourself first!� Summary Report.� The 25th Annual Lake
Okoboji Educational Media Leadership Conference.� Spirit Lake, IA:
University of Iowa,
Cornell, R.A. (1973).� Australia - land of media opportunity...someday!� Audiovisual Instruction,
Cornell, R.A. (1969).� Understanding
computers.� Audiovisual Instruction, 14(6), 77-78.
Cornell, R. (1967).� Assignment
- East Africa.� Audiovisual Instruction, 12(10),
Cornell, R.A. (1967) Can industry
educate our educators?� Editorial in Audiovisual Instruction, 12(2),
Cornell, R.A. (1968).� Television
comes to a new university.� Educational Television, 1(2), 20-21.
R.A. (1999).� What the Research Does Not Say About Technology Use. Conference
Proceedings, International Conference in Educational Research. Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University.
Cornell, R.A. (1999).� Paradigms
for the New Millennium: How Professors Will Certainly Change!
Conference Proceedings, International
Conference on Distance and Adult Education. Chaiyi, Taiwan: National Cheng Chung University.
Cornell, R. A. (June 1997).�
Les Tendances de l�education Assistee par Ordinateur Aux Etats Unis.� Conference
Proceedings.� Le Conference O.R.M.E. Marseille, France: CNDP, Ministry of Education.
Cornell, R.A. & Predmore,
R. (Eds.).� (1971). Summary - media matters.� 2nd Annual Proceedings of
Southeastern Regional Media Leadership Conference.� Atlanta, GA.
Cornell, R.A. & Predmore,
R. (Eds.) (1969).� Summary - media in the Southeast: A study in positive activism.�
Proceedings of the 1st Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Regional Media
Leadership Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Papers in Support of Dissertation
Cornell, R.A. (1981).� Perception
and utilization of an instructional resources center by university faculty
members: First steps toward output assessment.� Doctoral dissertation,
Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Nova University.
Cornell, R.A. (1979).� The inclusion
of learning resources in higher education as viewed by forty-six member-accrediting
groups of the Council on Postsecondary Education.� Ft. Lauderdale, FL:
Nova University.
Cornell, R.A. (1979).� Measurement
of congruency in school media supervisors and school media specialists regarding
desirable traits in a school media specialist.� Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Nova University.
Cornell, R.A. (1977). �Determination
of characteristics deemed most and least desirable in a media specialist.�
Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Nova University.
Cornell, R.A. (1977).� Communication
does not automatically equate to education: A study of faculty attitudes towards
a mundane subject - the inter-office memo.� Ft. Lauderdale, FL:
Nova University.
Cornell, R.A. (1976).� A comparison
of acceptance or rejection of Competencies for School Media Specialists
between novices and experienced field practitioners.� Ft. Lauderdale,
FL: Nova University.
Service Articles
- Peer Reviewed
Cornell, R.A. (1993) Style over
substance or vice versa: Where was it in Washington?� DEMM Perspective, Spring.
Cornell, R.A. (1992).� Style
over substance or vice versa: Where was it in Orlando?�
DEMM Perspective, Spring, pp. 9-11.
Cornell, R.A. (1987).� Why join
a professional organization?� Florida Media Quarterly, 12(4)30-
Cornell, R.A...� (1985). SRMLC...what,
why, whom?� Florida Media Quarterly, 10(2)18.
Cornell, R.A. (1982).� Kennedy Space Center: Their educational services and your school
media center.� Florida Media Quarterly 7(3&4)12-13.
Cornell, R.A. (1980).� New graduate
program at UCF.� Florida Media Quarterly, 5(2)7
Cornell, R.A. (1980).� There's
more to evaluation.� In Feedback, Instructional Innovator, 25(1).
Cornell, R.A. (1979).� Delegate
concerns.� Promoting Educational Technology.� 1979 Summary Report.�
The 25th Annual Lake Okoboji Educational Media Leadership Conference.�
Spirit Lake, IA: University of Iowa.
Cornell, R.A. (1977).� What makes
a great media specialist?� Notocias, 7(3).� Cupertino, CA:
De Anzia College.
Cornell, R.A...� (1976). Editorial.�
Florida Media Quarterly, 1(2), 4.
Cornell, R.A...� (1976). The
least wanted senators and other apathy.� Editorial in Florida Media Quarterly
(later reprinted by the United Faculty of Florida), 1(3)4-5.
Cornell, R.A...� (1975). You
gotta believe.� Editorial in Florida Media Quarterly, 1(1)4.
Cornell, R.A. (1975).� Trouble
on oiled waters.� Editorial interview with Dr. Richard Lewis, FAME Newsletter,
Cornell, R.A...� (1971). Getting
it together.� Editorial in AVANEWS, 15(2)6.
Cornell, R.A. (1971).� And all
this shall pass.� Editorial in AVANEWS, 9(4)5.
Cornell, R.A. (1971).� The Moscow-Warsaw
express.� Editorial, AVANEWS, 15(1).
Cornell, R.A. (1971).� The book
and the reel - Shall the twain ever meet?� Editorial, AVANEWS, 13(3).
Cornell, R.A...� (1970). Media
specialists of Florida...unite!� Editorial in AVANEWS,
13(2), 6.
Cornell, R.A. (1970).� And then
the rains came down.� Editorial in AVANEWS, 13(1), 6.
Cornell, R.A. (1970).� State
department kaleidoscope or...The games people play.� Editorial in AVANEWS,
12(9), 6-7.
Cornell, R.A. (1969).� On the
care and feeding of paper tigers.� Editorial in AVANEWS, 11(8)5.
Cornell, R.A. (1969).� A rose
by any other name.� Editorial in AVANEWS, 11(7), 4.
Cornell, R.A. (1969).� View of
the profession.� Editorial, AVANEWS, 11(6).
Cornell, R.A. (1966).� Editor's
replay.� AVANEWS, 10(1), 3.
Cornell, R.A. Bridging the gap.�
Editorial, AVANEWS, 8(5).
Cornell, R.A. (1965).� Editor's
replay.� AVANEWS, 8(4).
Cornell, R.A. (1965).� Editor's
replay.� AVANEWS, 8(2), 2.
Cornell, R.A. (1965).� Convention
interest groups: College and university proceedings.� Audiovisual Instruction,
June 477-78.
Cornell, R.A. (1965).� Editor's
replay.� AVANEWS, 8(1).
Cornell, R.A. (1964).� FAVA -
A new look for Florida.� Editorial, AVANEWS, 7(1).
Articles - Service, not peer reviewed
Cornell, R.A. (1995).� Dr. Cornell's
top 10 'Things to get' as a grad of the UCF IT Program.� cfc-aect Signals,
Cornell, R.A...� (1995) CFC-AECT
for the 21st century.� cfc-aect Newsletter 4(1), 3, 4.
Cornell, R.A. (1994).� Editorial:
Report from Eger.� cfc-aect@TRNG 3(4)4-5.
Cornell, R.A. (1994).� Theory
Into practice...Does it exist?� cfc-aect@TRNG 3(3)5.
Cornell, R.A. (1994) Editor's
replay.� cfc-aect@TRNG 3(2)3.
Cornell, R.A. (1994).� Secrets
of the masters: The ISD open of '94.� cfc-aect@TRNG 3(1)1, 6.
Cornell, R.A. (1993).� UCF Ph.D.
in I.T. news.� cfc-aect@TRNG 3(5)2.
Cornell, R.A. (1993).� Board
of Regents accepts UCF initial request to plan for I.T. Ph.D./Ed.D.� cfc-aect@TRNG
Cornell, R.A. (1993).� A Ph.D.
in ISD @ UCF: How feasible?� cfc-aect@TRNG 3(2)1.
Cornell, R.A. (1992) Notes from
the president.� cfc-aect@TRNG 2(4)2.
Cornell, R.A. (1992).� Notes
from the president.� cfc-aect@TRNG 2(3)4.
Cornell, R.A. (1992).� President's
memo.� cfc-aect@TRNG 2(3)1.
Cornell, R.A. (1992).� President's
memo.� cfc-aect@TRNG 2(2)2-3.
Cornell, R.A. Orlando, Florida
- 1991: Let the good times roll!� International Perspective 18(2)5.
Cornell, R.A. (1989).� AECT (International
Division) president's message.� International Perspective, 17(1)2,
4, 5.
Cornell, R.A. (1988).� President's
message.� International Perspective, 16(2)1-2.
Cornell, R.A. (1981).� "SHARP":
Student apprentices experience summer research.� Spaceport News.� NASA
John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida, 9 October.
Cornell, R.A. (1974).� Direct
from the U.S. of A. RACE, Spring, 1994.� Wagga Wagga,
NSW, Australia: Riverina College of Advanced Education.
Cornell, R.A. (1973).� Farewell
Australia.� RACE, May 1973.� Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia: Riverina College of Advanced Education.
Cornell, R.A. (1965).� But who
will tell the teacher?� New
York State Audiovisual Council Newsletter, 3(4), 5.
Cornell, R.A. (a.k.a. "Alfy")
(1959).� Pigskin glory.� The Stylus, 32(4), 6.
Presentations - Peer Reviewed
Cornell, R.A. (2003) It�s the
story that counts: Seventy years of mediated stories.� Annual Congress of
the International Council for Educational Media, Oslo,
Norway, October
4-10 2003.
Tsai, M.H., Pan, C.C., Tao, Y.,
Cornell, R.A., Ku, H.Y., Tsai, P.Y. (November 2002). A qualitative inquiry
of pedagogical symbiosis: Reconciliation of mixed cultures. Annual conference
of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Dallas, Texas.
Pan, C.C., Tsai, M.H., Tao, Y,
Tsai, P.Y., & Cornell, R.A. (2002).� Technology�s impact: Symbiotic or
asymbiotic influence on differing cultures?� Educational Media International,
Vol. 40.2 Annual Congress of the International Council for Educational Media,
Granada, Spain, October 15-19th, 2002.� (At press).
Cornell, R.A. (August 2002).
Asian pedagogy and technology use: implications for Taiwan. Taipei: Taipei
Municipal Teachers
Cornell, R.A. (July 2002).
Research initiatives conducted at the University of Central Florida
and noted instructional technology trends across the world. Beijing, China: Ministry of Education.
Cornell, R.A. (April 2002).
Comparison of Confucian and Western pedagogy as applied to the study of technology.
Tamsui, Taiwan: Tamkang University.
Cornell, R.A., Pan, S., and Tsai,
M. (April 2002). Impact of technology on Asian pedagogy: moving
Alishan mountain.� Thirteenth International Conference on College Teaching
and Learning. Jacksonville, FL: Florida Community
College at Jacksonville.
Cornell, R.A., Pan, S., Tao,
T. & Tsai, M. (March
7, 2002). Bringing
instructional technology to Asia: can 2000 years of tradition withstand
it?� 46th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International
Education Society, Sheraton World Resort, Orlando, Florida.
Cornell, R.A. & Lefranc,
R. (February 2002). ICEM�s role and issues regarding �education for
all.� Symposium of invited NGO leaders, in preparation for the World
Summit on the Information Society.� Paris: UNESCO.
Cornell, R.A., Chien, J., Pan,
S., Tao, T. and Tsai, M. (April 2001). Asian student�s views.
Technology Conference, �Design, Connect, Create, Collaborate.�� Athens, GA:
University of Georgia.
Cornell, R.A., Lee, C., Pan,
S., Tao, T., Tsai, M. & Surtani, H. (2001). Views from an Asian
bridge: how Asian students see us and still survive! UCF International
Institute, Orlando, Florida, April 30-May
4th, 2001.
Cornell, R.A. and Elshennawy,
A.K. (2001). Discovering international trends in managing quality engineering
and instructional systems. UCF International Institute, Orlando, Florida, April 30-May
4th, 2001.
Cornell, R.A. (2001) Introduction
to the instructional design process. Workshop series conducted at the
Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia under the auspices of the United States
Department of State and the UCF Eastern European Linkage Project. Orlando, FL: University
of Central Florida.� May 24-June
1, 2001.
Cornell, R.A. and Tao, T.
(August 2001). New challenges in distance education: implications for
China. National Conference of Educational Technology, Dalian, China. Invited keynote address. Beijing: Ministry of Education.
Cornell, R.A. (October
2001). Bridging continent: technology trends today and tomorrow.
Invited keynote address. Annual Congress of the International Council
for Educational Media, Taipei, Taiwan.
Pan, C.C., Tao, Y., Wang, Z.,
Cornell, R.A., Ku, C.H., Lee, C.Y., & Ku, H.Y. (November 2001). East-meets
west times 2: impact of cultural change at two universities on Asian students.
Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology.
Atlanta, GA.
Tsai, P.Y, Rendon, B. & Cornell,
R.A. (2001). Instructional design issues facing e learning: east
meets west. Annual conference of the Association for Educational Communications
and Technology, Atlanta, GA November 7-11, 2001.
Cornell, R.A. (2001). Let�s
Learn English! Two-week workshop at Tam Kang University, Tamsui, Taiwan for Instructional Technology students in
use of English for the instructional technology field.
Cornell, R.A. (2001). Technology
use in China: Implications for Taiwan.� Lecture given at Tam Kang University, Tamsui, Taiwan, National
Taiwan University, Taipei, and at Taipei Technology University, Taipei, December,
Cornell, R.A., Ku, A., Lee, C.Y,
Pan, S., Tao, T. and Tsai, M. (October 2000).� Views from an Asian Bridge: How international students see us and
still survive. Annual conference of the Association of Educational Communications
and Technology, Denver, CO.
Cornell, R.A. (May 2000).� Electronic
publishing issues in the United
States: What would Gutenberg
have thought? Nice, France: Rencontre Internationale, L�Edition Pedagogique
Chang, S.T., Chu,
C., Cornell, R.A., & Lee, B.W.R (February 2000). Recreating technology
standards for Taiwan�s colleges and universities.� Annual conference
of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Long Beach, California.
Cornell, R.A. (December 1999).
International Conference on Research, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, Keynote speaker.
Cornell, R.A. (October 1999).�
Opening address.� ICEM Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Cornell, R.A. (June 1999).
Distance Education Conference, CREAD, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, presenter on ICEM and its outreach
into Latin America.� (Visual materials in English, Spanish,
and Portuguese).
Cornell, R.A. (May 1999).� Distance
Education Conference, National Cheng Chung University, Chaiyi, Taiwan, Keynote speaker on Instructional Design
(Visual materials in Mandarin).
Cornell, R.A. (March 17-20, 1999).
Workshop Director and Presenter, University
of Sassari, Sardinia, Instructional Design and TEOSL.
Cornell, R.A. (February 1999).
Presenter and Panel Moderator, Association for Educational Communications
and Technology, International Division Concurrent Session on International
Trends in ICEM Nations, Houston.
Cornell, R.A. (December 1998).
Keynote Presenter, Ministry of Education, and Audiovisual Association of Taiwan Technology Conference, Tamsui, and Taipei, Taiwan.
Cornell, R.A. (November 1998).�
Keynote Presenter and International Panel Moderator, Ministry of Education
and ICEM Congress, Helsinki, Finland.
Cornell, R.A. and others.� (May
1998).� ICEM yesterday, today, and tomorrow.� Conference Proceedings.� Information
Technologies in Education and Training, Macau Tourism Activities Centre, Macau.
Cornell, R.A., Chu,
C. & Chang, G. (May 1998).� Cross-cultural perspectives and the use of
technology in education: A series of scenarios.� Conference proceedings, 30th
anniversary of Lingnan College, Hong Kong.
Cornell, R.A. (June 1997).� Les
tendances de l'education assistee par ordinateur aux Etats Unis (Trends in
educational technology in the United
States).� Marseille, France: O.R.M.E. Annual Conference Sponsored by C.N.D.P. in the Ministry
of Education.
Cornell, R.A. & Farkas, P.
(October 1997).� Update of technology developments in the United States.�
Budapest and Eger,
Hungary: HUNGARODIDACT '97.� (On-line interactive presentation).
Cornell, R.A. (October 1997).�
Humanizing the learning experience for the distance education student.� San Diego, CA: International LEARN DAY, A World Interactive
Symposium.� (On-line interactive presentation between Orlando and Europe).
Cornell, R.A. (November 1997).�
Conference Summary, Universidad de Alberta Annual Congress.� Lisbon: International
Council for Educational Media.
Cornell, R. A. & Martin,
B.L. (December 1997).� Instructional technology and educational change: An
international perspective.� Haulien, Taiwan: Ministry of Education.
Cornell, R.A. (March 1998).�
Opening and Closing Summary.� Lulea, Sweden: ICEM Media Week, International Council
for Educational Media.
Cornell, R...� A. & Smith,
K. (1997).� "A new paradigm for faculty involvement at the University of Central Florida.�
Annual ICEM Congress hosted by the Universidad de Alberta.� Lisbon: International
Council for Educational Media.
Cornell, R.A., Gardner, J., Ingram,
K., Kenny, R. Payne, B., Stofan, J. & Tate, D. (February 1998).� �A presenter's
Hell: What mom forgot to tell you - how NOT to give a presentation" Presentation
made at the annual convention of the Association for Educational Communications
and Technology, St. Louis, MO.
Knupfer, N.N., Martin, B.L.,
Cornell, R.A., & Payne, B. (February 1998).� "Fifty years of AECT:
Where we've been and where we are" Presentation made at the annual convention
of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, St. Louis, MO.
Cornell, R.A. (1996).� International
trends in distance education.� Association for Educational Communications
and Technology Distance Learning Conference.� Tallahassee, FL:
Florida State University, invited speaker by program committee.
Cornell, R.A. (1996).� How to
handle change in educational technology.� Bern, Switzerland:
International Council for Educational Media, ICEM Media Week, invited speaker
by program committee.
Cornell, R.A. & Bailey, D.
(1996).� Potential impact of virtual reality on mental illness: An international
disaster waiting to happen?� Indianapolis, IN: Annual
conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology.
Cornell, R.A. (1996).� International
technology associations: International initiatives.� Indianapolis, IN:
Association for Educational Communications and Technology, invited speaker
by program committee.
Cornell, R., and Bailey, D. (1995).�
Distance learning: Design and content choices.� Total Trainer Program sponsored
by Training Magazine, Orlando, FL August.
Cornell, R.A. & Farkas, P.
(1994).� Professional associations: What value?� Eger, Hungary: Annual congress of the International Council for Educational
Media, "Agria Media '94", invited speaker by program committee.
Cornell, R.A. & others.�
(1995). Courses for telecommunications for teachers: Design, content and evaluation.�
Anaheim, CA: Annual conference of the Association for
Educational Communications and Technology.
Cornell, R.A., Fernandes, M.
& others.� (1995). Competencies needed by industrial and business trainers
as reported by training personnel in the United
States and Taiwan.� Anaheim, CA: Annual conference of the Association for
Educational Communications and Technology.
Cornell, R.A., Bailey, D. &
Bollet, R. (1995).� Virtual reality as therapeutic tool.� Orlando, FL:
Twelfth International Conference on Technology and Education.
Cornell, R.A. and Fernandes,
M, Fernandes A. (1995).� A basic understanding of the instructional design
process.� In English, Spanish and Portuguese.� Orlando, FL: First
Annual UCF Computer Workshop for Brazilian Teachers, University of Central Florida.
Cornell, R.A., Farkas, P. &
Murphy, K. (1994).� International trends in distance education and teacher
training: A Report.� Nashville, TN: Annual meeting of the Association for
Educational Communications and Technology.
Cornell, R.A. and Instructional
Systems alumni and graduate students presentation team.� Surviving the media
maze: What mom forgot to tell you.� (1993). Barcelona, Spain: Presented in
English and Spanish at the annual Congress of the International Council for
Educational Media, invited speakers by program committee.
Kennedy, R.S., Cornell, R.A.
& Dunlap, W. (1993).� Performance changes measured over a series of transatlantic
flights.� Las Vegas, Nevada: 31st Annual SAFE Symposium.
Cornell, R.A. & Farkas, P.
(1993).� Distance education and teacher training: An analysis of global initiatives.�
Miami, FL: Summer Conference on Distance Education
co-sponsored by AECT and Miami Dade Community
Cornell, R.A., Armstrong, J.,
Barbato, C., Dickenson, S. Alvarez, E., Canerossi, M., & Stofan, J. (1993).�
Surviving the media maze: What mom forgot to tell you.� New Orleans.� LA: Annual convention of the Association
for Educational Communications and Technology.
Cornell, Richard A. (1992).�
AECT's post-secondary standards: Will They Play in Taipei,
Sydney, or Paris?�
Paris, France: Research report presented at the 9th International
Conference on Technology in Education.
Cornell, R.A., Armstrong, J.,
Barbato, C., Alvarez, E., & Dickenson, S. (1992).� Surviving the media
maze: What mom forgot to tell you...� A workshop on effective presentations:
Platform skills and media.� Orlando, FL: Annual conference of the Council on Hotel,
Restaurant, and Institutional Education.� Presentation team invited by program
Cornell, Richard A. (1991).�
Impact of pilot performance during transoceanic flight using resistance exercise.�
Cincinnati, OH: 62nd Annual Meeting of the Aerospace Medical
Cornell, R.A. (1990).� Internationale
richtlinien fur technologie-units zur verwendung und colleges und universitaten:
Wie wirkungsvoll sind sie?� Vienna,
Austria: ICEM Congress '90, Media Efficiency.�
October 29-30.� (In English and German), invited speaker by program committee.
Cornell, R.A. (1989).� An analysis
of the AECT standards as applied to the needs of Taiwanese colleges and universities.�
Taipei, Taiwan: Research paper presented to the Ministry
of Education Task Force.� December.
Cornell, R.A. (1989).� Series
of presentations related to use of technology in 21st century.� Taipei, Taiwan: Given at ten teacher training colleges
and universities in Taiwan at the invitation of the Ministry of Education,
December 1989.� Presentation series at ten teacher training colleges and universities
at invitation of the Ministry of Education.
Cornell, R.A. (1989).� Development
of professional organizational collaborations internationally.� Denver: Annual meeting of the National Society for Performance and
Instruction, March 27-31.� Annual conference of the International Society
for Performance and Instruction.
Cornell, R.A. (1989).� International
issues in educational technology.� Session Chair.� Dallas: Annual conference of the Association for Educational Communications
and Technology, February 4.� Cornell, R.A., and Bollet, R.M. (1989).� Impact
of high touch on technology transfer in diverse cultural settings.� Dallas:
Annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology,
February 3.
Cornell, R.A., and Bollet, R.M.
(1988).� The impact of high touch in the high tech world of education.� Edinburgh,
Scotland: Fifth International Conference on Technology
and Education.
Cornell, R.A. (1985).� Transitions
to leisure time: Space travel.� St. Petersburg, FL: Leisure Technology and
Work Section, 2nd Annual Transitions to Leisure Time Conference sponsored
by the University of South Florida.
Cornell, R.A. (1985).� Scenario
1999 and beyond: In search of an intergalactic media center.� St. Petersburg,
Leisure and Mass Communication Section, Transitions to Leisure Time Conference
sponsored by the University of South Florida.
Cornell, R. A. (1984).� A call
for re-emphasis: The use of leisure time on long-duration space flight.� Lausanne, Switzerland: 35th Annual Congress of the International
Aeronautical and Astronautical Federation.� Paper written in English, German,
French, and Russian.
Cornell, R.A. (1985).� SRMLC:
Mission accomplished, impossible or unlimited?� Atlanta:� 16th Annual Southeastern Regional Media Leadership Conference.
Cornell, R.A., and Spears, R.
(1984).� What higher education's been waiting for: Standards!� Hollywood,
Twelfth Annual Conference, Florida Association for Media in Education.
Cornell, R.A. (1984).� Review
of existing college and university accreditation standards.� With Gene Wilkenson,
University of Georgia
and Will Canard, SACS.� Hilton Head, SC: Fifteenth Annual Southeastern Regional
Media Leadership Conference.
Cornell, R.A. (1983).� Self-image
and the media specialist.� Orlando, FL: Faculty Symposium Series, Department of
Educational Services, University
of Central Florida.
Cornell, R.A. (1982).� Human
factors in space.� Melbourne, FL: Florida Institute of Technology.
Cornell, R.A., and Bollet, R.M.
(1981).� You gotta be a people first.� Miami Beach, FL:
Annual convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology,
Miami Beach, FL.
Cornell, R.A. and Hinz, M. (1980).�
Twin births - A blessed event for higher education.� Denver: Annual convention
of the Health Education Media Association, Denver, CO. convention of the Association
for Educational Communications and Technology.
Cornell, R.A. (1980).� Summary
of Southeastern Regional Media Leadership Council's program to hold conferences
in each affiliate's state or territory.� San Juan, PR: Eleventh annual conference
of the Southeastern Regional Media Leadership Conference, in Spanish and English.
Cornell, R. and Logan T. (1977).�
Media specialist of the seventies - The past is prologue?� Nashville, TN:
Eighth annual Southeastern Media Leadership Conference, Nashville, TN. Southeastern Regional Media Leadership Conference.
Cornell, R.A. (1999). ICEM
Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Opening Address, October.
Cornell, R.A. (1999).� Panel
Moderator and Presenter, Invitation by the Director General of UNESCO, Dr.Frederico
Mayor, Paris, France, March.
R.A. (1998). Information technologies in education and training: A shared
vision on educational media. Opening Session: First annual technology
conference sponsored by the Instituto Politechnico de Macau, the East Asia
Open University, the Direccao dos Servicos de Educacao e Juventude, and the
Macau Tourism Activities Centre.
Invited Presentations
- Service
Cornell, R.A. (1982).� Human
factors in space.� Oviedo Rotary Club, Oviedo, FL.
Cornell, R.A. (1980).� What's
all this jazz about media competencies for certification of media specialists?�
Keynote speaker: Seminole County Media Specialists pre-school conference.�
Sanford, FL.
Cornell, R.A. (1980).� I Believe
in Delta Tau Delta.� Delta Tau Delta Rainbow Banquet Speaker, Orlando, FL.
Cornell, R.A., Rendon, B. Sheehy,
M., Pan, S. and others.� (2002). Assertiveness video series for use in EME
5056 � Communication for Instructional Systems: Process. Five completed.�
Office of Course Development, University
of Central Florida.
Cornell, R.A. (2000).� Going
the distance in education - 21st century imperatives.� Chapter
on CD-ROM Sustainable Development.� Geneva, Switzerland: UNESCO.� (At press).
Cornell, R.A., and Instructional
Systems Students.� (1995). Distance Education Series.� Distance Education
Methods for Marine Science Education.� Two-hour video program produced
in conjunction with the Education Department at Sea World of Florida.
Cornell, R.A. (1994) This
is the Department of Educational Services.� 18-minute video produced in
conjunction with the Office of Instructional Resources.� Orlando, FL:
University of Central Florida.
Cornell, R.A. (1991).� Pilot
Fatigue Research.� One-hour video program produced for Lindbergh Fund.�
Naples, FL.
Cornell, R. A., & Balado,
C. (1990).� New video teaching technologies at the university level.
�Audio/video teleconference between faculty at the University of Lima and
the authors.� Video produced in Spanish and played in Lima, Peru prior to audio conference.� Audio link
connected UCF faculty and those in Peru.� Washington, DC: United
States Information Service,
18 min. video in Spanish produced in conjunction with the Office of Instructional
Resources.� Orlando, FL: University
of Central Florida.
Cornell, R.A. & Radziejewski,
D. (1983).� ADS Familiarization Program.� Tape/slide program, 19 minutes.�
American Airlines/Agency Data systems.
Cornell, R.A., and Kristofferson,
K. (1981).� Space 'n Stuff.� Multi-image, Computer managed, human delivered
presentation given several times daily at Kennedy Space Center.
Cornell, R.A., and Gallo, W.
(1979).� The Music of Vera Cruz.� Tape/slide production, Rollins College and Florida Endowment for the Humanities.
Cornell, R.A. (1977).� They
Hear a Different Drum.� Tape/slide production for Orange County Schools.
Cornell, R.A. (1977).� Migrant
Education - Orange County Style.�
Tape/slide production, Orange County Schools.
Cornell, R.A. (1976).� Florida Learning Resources.� Tape/slide production, Orange County Schools.
Cornell, R.A. (1975).� Australia: Country and Continent.� Tape/slide production, University of Central Florida.
Cornell, R.A. (1969).� East Africa Today.� Part I and II.� Our World Neighbors Series.� Two sound
filmstrips which received "Chris Awards" at Columbus Film Festival.�
Lakeland, FL; Imperial Film Company, 1969.
Cornell, R.A. (1969) East
Africa Today 16mm film 23 min, color.� Washington, DC:
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
Cornell, R.A. (1967).� Producer
of multi-media workshop materials (videotapes, overhead transparencies, slides,
16mm film) and site logistics director for Teacher Education and Media Project.�
Washington: American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
Cornell, R.A. (1965).� Uses of
New Media in Professional Teacher Education - University of South
Florida Display.� Exhibit to accompany Dissemination
Report II, Teacher Education and Media Project.� Washington: American
Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
Service/ Professional Memberships - Offices Held
Florida Audiovisual Association
Editor, AVANEWS, 1964-66
President-elect, Florida Audiovisual Association, 1972
Board of Directors, 1969-71
Florida Association for Media
in Education
Editor, Florida Media Quarterly,
FAME Articulation Committee
FAME Intern Committee, 1984
Chair, FAME Higher Education Committee
Judge, FAME Student Media Festival, 1981
Regional Media Leadership Council
Co founder; Florida Delegate;
Program Chair, 1969, 1970, 1986; Director Elect; Director; Past Director;
for Educational Communications and Technology
Candidate for president-elect
1975, 1985, 1990, 2002
Chair, Postsecondary Standards Revision Committee, 1996-present
Board of Directors, International Division, 1979 present
Past President, International Division, 1989
President, International Division, 1988
President elect, International Division, 1987
National Convention Program Planning Committee, 1987
Chair, AECT Task Force II: Post secondary Guidelines, 1974-84;
National Nominating Committee, 1977-78;
Chair, Publicity for national convention, 1976;
Board of Directors, 1972-73;, 2003
Committees for Affiliate Relations; Special Membership Problems;
Membership for other Associations;������������������
Editorial Advisory Board for Audiovisual Instruction; 1963-onwards,
various years.
Central Florida
Chapter, AECT
Co-Founder and President, 1990-92
Organizational Advisor, 1992-present
Council for Educational Media (ICEM), Frankenthal, Germany
Advisor to United States Delegation,
United States Member, 1990-present
Member, Ad Hoc Group, 1992-94
Orlando Conference Organizer, 1992
Member of Executive Committee, 1993-present
Elected vice-president, October 1994, Eger, Hungary
Member, Editorial Board, Educational Media International, Kogan Page,
London, 1993-97, Routeledge, London, 1997-2000 and Taylor and Francis, Oxford,
Elected President, November, 1997, Lisbon, Portugal
Past President and
Advisor to the Executive, 2002, Granada, Spain
Pals Across the World (CPAW), Canberra, Australia
Honorary International President,
Past President, 1998
Society for Performance and Instruction
Vice-president for Liaison, International
Chapter 1987-1990
Memberships - Other
Aerospace Medical Association
Aerospace Human Factors Association
Aerospace Physiology Society
Association for Advancement of Computing in Education
Association for Third World Studies
Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association
Comparative and International Education Society
National Wildlife Federation
Society for Technology in Education
World Future Society
Honors and
Distinguished Service
Award, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Anaheim, October, 2003
Diamond Mentor Award, ect Foundation, Association
for Educational Communications and Technology, Anaheim, October, 2003
International Contributions
Award, International Division, Association for Educational Communications
and Technology, Anaheim, October, 2003
ICEM Honorary Member, Granada,
Spain, 2002
International Student Association Crystal Award, University of Central Florida, 2001.
President�s Award, International Division, Association for Educational Communications
and Technology, Houston, February 1999.
International Leadership Award, National Audiovisual Education Association
of China, Taipei, December 1998.
President's Award, International Division, Association for Educational Communications
and Technology, February, 1996
Professional Service Award, College of Education, University of Central Florida,
March, 1995
Lifetime Addie Award, Instructional Systems Students, University of Central
Florida, December, 1993
Distinguished Service Award, International Division, Association for Educational
Communications and Technology.� February, 1989
1989 Charles A. Lindbergh Fund Grant Recipient, The Charles A. Lindbergh Fund,
Minneapolis, MN, 1989.
Information Technology Advisory
Committee, 1996-present
Cooperative Education Liaison, College of Education, 1989- present
Search Committee, Cooperative Education Coordinator, 1995-present
Search Committee, Assistant Dean, Student Services, 1995
Search Committee, Director, CMC, 1992
Reader, UCF Commencement, 1993-present
UCF Liaison to International Visitors Council, 1990-present
Faculty Senate Budget and Administrative Procedures Committee (non-senate
member), 1992-93
Student Government Activity and Service Fee Committee, 1990-91.
Board of Regents Instructional Technology Program Approval Committee, 1985-86
NCATE Visitation Committee, Chair, 1984-85
Library Liaison Committee, 1978-81
College Committees
Faculty Evaluation Instrument
Development, 1996
Chair, Educational Technology Search Committee, 1996
International (Cultural Diversity) Committee, 1995-96
Coordinator, Education Computer Laboratory, 1990-92
Coordinator, UCF College for Education Public Relations, 1992-93
UCF Library Liaison
LRC/Library Committee, 1992-93
Social Committee, 1992-94
Institute for International Studies, 1991
Instructional Resources, 1991
Undergraduate Standards Committee, 1989-90
Grants and Awards Committee, 1988-89
College of Education Telethon, 1986
Dean's Advisory Committee, 1984-86
College Newsletter Committee, 1985-86
Community Awareness Committee, 1979-81
Editor, "What's Happening" Newsletter, 1978-79
IT Area Program Coordinator,
Acting Department Chair in absence of Chair, 1995, 2001
Ph.D. in IT Committee, 1994-1996, 2001, 2002-10-31
Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2001-present.
Personnel Committee, 1982-83, 1985-86, 1992-98
Coordinator of Department presentation to the President, 1992
Ed Media/IT Steering Committee, 1989-91
Provisional Selection Committee, 1981-84
Faculty Evaluation Committee, 1981-83, 1996
Continuing Professional Development Committee, 1979-81
Teaching Analysis Committee, 1979-81
Library Liaison Committee, 1978-79
Classes Taught
EME 56054 Instructional Systems
Technology: Survey of Applications
EME 5056 Communication for Instructional Systems: Process
EME 5056 Communication for Instructional Systems: Application
EME 6053 Current Trends in Instructional Technology
EME 6313 Media Systems Design
EME 6457 Distance Education Technology: Process and Product
EME 6613 Instructional Systems Design
EME 6705 Administration of Instructional Systems
EME 6946 Graduate Internship in Instructional Systems
EME 6909 Research Report
IDS 6938 ST: International Issues
IDS 7500 Seminar in Instructional Technology
EME 7919 Dissertation
to Professional Organizations
Clubs and Organizations Sponsorship:
UCF-AECT, 1993-present
Faculty Advisor, Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, 1970-93
Instructional Technology Student's Association, 1976-93
Member, Omicron Delta Kappa
Lindbergh Fund Scientific Proposals,
Proposals: Asia Pacific Technology in Training and Education Conference, Brisbane,
Australia, 1994
Macmillan and Company, Instructional Media, (Heinich and Molenda) 2nd
and 3rd editions.�
Wiley Publishers, Technology Text
Wadsworth Publishing, Instructional Technology: Paradox or Paradigm?,
NCATE Team Evaluator for Learning Resources, Southern University, 1979; Samford
University, 1980;
Austin Peay State University, 1981, Georgia College, 1986
Eagle Scout with Bronze Palm;
recipient of Hornaday Award and William T. Hornaday Medal for Distinguished
Service to Conservation.� Recipient of King's Scout Award, Gold cord, and
Bushman's Thong in Canada.� Former scoutmaster, explorer advisor,
and district Commissioner, in New
York State and Alaska.
Other Community
President, Florida Chapter, Mooseheart
Alumni Association, 1994-1998
Board Member, Buena Vista Academy, 1991-93
Technology consultant and Member of Curriculum Advisory Board, Sea World of
Florida, 1990-1996.�
Speaker to Rotary, 1998, 1996, 1994, 1991, 1987; Kiwanis, 1990,1993, 1994,
Lions, 1968, Westminster Towers
Central Florida Travel Agents Society, (with Captain James Minor of Continental)
Invited speaker: the Cattleman's Club in San Antonio and the Oilman's Club
in Austin, Texas, 1993
Reader for Blind Services Program, WMFE, FM Radio, 1993
Reader at Colonial Ninth Grade Center, National Media Week, 1989
Reader at Jackson Middle School for "Readers are Winners" program,
Member, Human Relations Commission, City of Orlando, 1977-82
Associate Member, Winter Park Art Festival Commission, 1978-81
Board Member, Winter Park Autumn Art Festival, 1978-81
Auctioneer, WMFE Channel 24, Art and Antiques, 1978-79
On-air Interviewer, "Election '80" WMFE Channel 24
In-service Instruction Advisory Committee, Sunland Hospital, 1973
Service to
Public Schools
Teacher Education Center or Other Workshops
Teaming Through Technology, Beaumont
Middle School, Kissimmee, 1992
"Make and Take" Workshop, Marion County, 1990
Coordinated appearance of Dr. Jerrold Kemp at UCF, 1989
Technology in Communications, Educational Services Interdepartmental Seminar
Series, February, 1990
Partnerships for Quality Education: The Media Specialist Outreach Concept,
Seabreeze High School Daytona Beach, 1988
Techniques for improving Communications, self-esteem and interpersonal relationships.�
Alternative Education Summer Institute, Crooms School of Choice, Sanford,
Media Celebration: Team Exemplar (Improving Interpersonal Relationships),
Orange County Teacher Education Center, 1986
Schools of 2000 AD: Implications for Facilities and Instructional Delivery
Systems, College of Education Drive-In Conference, 1986
Media Use and the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Mainland Senior High School,
Police Instructors Techniques Course, Orange County Vo-Tech Center, 1983,
1982,1978, 1977.
Adult Education Public Relations Workshop, Brevard
County School Board, 1981.�
Clay County Media Workshop Series, 1980-81. �
Seminole County Media Workshop Series, 1980.�
Volusia County Media Workshop Series, 1979-80.�
Health Occupations Workshop, Orlando Regional Medical Center, 1977
American Airlines Agency Data
Systems, Dallas, Texas
Eastern Airlines, Miami, Florida
Continental Airlines, Houston, Texas
Air Cabin Crew Association, Sydney, Australia
China Airlines
Darden Restaurant Group, Orlando, Florida
The Essex Corporation, Orlando Florida Office
Ministry of Education, Taipei, Taiwan
Ministry of Education, Beijing, China
Travillion Construction Company,
Winter Park, Florida
Paolo�s Restaurant, Daytona Beach,